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The GIZ-UNICEF Learning Exchange provided a venue for WinS practitioners and their government counterparts to learn more about the Fit for School (FIT) approach and experience its implementation at first hand. Over a five-day workshop, participants learnt about tools, challenges and success factors from a theoretical as well as practical perspective. The meeting used a combination of presentations, active discussions and field visits as well as roundtable discussions with relevant stakeholders. The focus was on enabling participants to understand, adapt and introduce appropriate elements and tools of the FIT approach in their working context to enhance impact, scale and sustainability of WASH in Schools. Concentrating on simple, scalable and sustainable interventions and addressing key programmatic gaps primarily in the areas of and washing promotion, advocacy for sustainable funding, and an increase in demand and ownership by communities constituted the core of the Learning Exchange.

Check the WinS ILE 2012 report for more details.

Supporting documents

  • Sun, 25 Nov, 2012
  • Manila

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