Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools 2015-2023: special focus on menstrual health
This update assesses progress on WASH in schools between 2015 and 2023, which represents the mid-point of the SDG period. It shows that the world is not on track to achieve universal access (>99%) to basic WASH services in schools by 2030.
This update assesses progress on WASH in schools between 2015 and 2023, which represents the mid-point of the SDG period. It shows that the world is not on track to achieve universal access (>99%) to basic WASH services in schools by 2030. Achieving universal coverage will require a twofold increase in the current rate of progress on basic drinking water, a twofold increase in progress on basic sanitation, and a fourfold increase in progress on basic hygiene services. Based on current trajectories, only 86% of schools will have a basic water service, 87% will have a basic sanitation service, and 74% will have a basic hygiene service in 2030.
This report has a special focus on menstrual health and examines the availability of national data corresponding to internationally recommended priority indicators for girls’ menstrual health and hygiene. 30 countries and 7 out of 8 regions have national data related to the emerging menstrual health indicators. Definitions vary widely between countries and data sources and indicator harmonization is needed. The most common data relate to facilities, knowledge, and materials, but very few countries have data related to impacts, discomfort/disorders, and a supportive social environment. Based on emerging national data it is estimated that around 2 out of 5 schools provide menstrual health education and around 1 in 3 schools have bins for menstrual waste in girls’ toilets